July 2015
One Day Behind her Eyes
Reduced to an Accidental Roux
Skin Ridden
Middle Class
Expiration Date
Souler Equations
One Day Behind her Eyes
These mountains lay out
like battered blue gums,
a tired mouthpiece
a lost and worn granite tale.
Rows of molars to the west,
out to sharp incisors
gnashing holes in the sky.

Reduced to an Accidental Roux
From under papyrus he bellows
a crispy barnacle barking,
smug from the pulpit,
growling discordance
exuding disdain
from his academic keep.
Foul she cries at the fragrance,
at flavors unfolding
for an aural tongue to savor,
Excessive culinary metaphor.
Unsavory violations!
Bookends of distaste
kinesthetic repugnance,
gustatory incontinence,
what’s a chef of linguistics to do
with the likes of Curmugeon and Shrew.

I am scraps
of paper
or phrases and random thoughts
an amalgam,
the skin beneath you
a tarmac of macadam and dream
where lips and fingertips land
scratching for purchase
in the scrapple
so savory.
the meat that is left
on the bones of these days.

Skin Ridden
I rode hard tonight…
My lasers tracing lanes,
the hiss of rubber…
the thick swoosh of wind
tracking the pulse of my tropical breath.
I rode hard tonight
a stylus trodden on raw paper,
primitive - uncured,
a ripe papyrus
for the teeth off my bite.
I rode hard tonight
to clear my mind,
to flush my cells of you.

as the stream chuckles
like eggs cracked upon a griddle,
as the larks and warblers
weave their tapestry of morning song.
as the graphite recedes
as the spinach dark concedes,
as the crown breaches
the verdancy of dawn.
the push
the press of night into submission.
gesso, primer
for each canvas painted anew.
Middle Class
Neutered and numb
we sit here and stare
at screens and receipts
glass-eyed at Madmen
and Game of Thrones.
Lives in a vise,
captive and mute,
waiting for the reaper
to cut the credit line,
pretending no anvil will fall.
Tens of thousand wait,
decaying slowly - wilting Walter Mittys,
naive hobbits of The Shire
puffing, puffing, blindly
consuming second breakfasts,
trading the other’s greed
for illusions of peace.
Our rape will never stop
even when the eye of Sauron falls.

The vacancy is nude
where soil wants a body, new
to sooth.
the white is
a splash of cloud
against fish belly skin,
diaphanous linens.
Lay your bones
down in this kitchen
your meal,
your appetite for me
come home.

Expiration Date
Flush, we stand
softly wrapped in a mango skin,
in this days’s last smoke, embraced
silhouettes upon the quay.
The bay is choppy, restless,
dull teal and ochre slapping the prows,
the hulls
moaning, gnashing on their moors.
You are leaving.
I can sense it,
as if it rides the breath around us.
The fragrance of parting,
the heavy residue of silence.
That dark remnant of separation,
the sweet rot of good-bye.
I am unrepentant
for your puddles,
your 911s,
your hormones,
your deeds.
I am unrepentant
for accepting you
this huddled mass
on a cold slate floor,
from the inside of your bones.
I am unrepentant
for holding you,
stroking you
until your spirit was healed,
accepting you,
your chip
your baggage of personal soil.
I am unrepentant
for not judging you,
for my broken heart
for shattered pride.

Souler Equations
I look at your hands - distracted
by their power,
as they flutter, gesturing,
parsing nuance as you speak.
I look at your hands
detached of your instrument - free.
I look at your hands… marveling
at how they can convey
that extension of you - fluid
to the keys, strings, the air,
the visceral voice of a mind,
of a heart - symbiotic.
I look at your hands… reverent.
How does paint leave your soul
in such fantastical journeys?
How does synapse
mate the physics of stroke?
What solves the equations
that lie in our cloud
as it lowers and thickens,
raining song,
spilling shape,
threading ink to this canvas of page.